Total Raised For St. Jude (Since 2008): $5,110
Total Raised This Year: $2,010

Friday, October 9, 2009

First Long Training Run of 2009

Today I had surgery. Nothing serious but something that will not allow me to run for two weeks. As a result I chose to make yesterday my long run so I would only miss one long run. Last week was great. It was my first serious attempt to test my weak right knee and I finished 12 miles feeling like I could have run more. I was so elated. Yesterday however, was a different story completely.

It didn't help the temperature was 84 degrees. I felt good at first and ran my first two miles way too fast. Then the heat started to get to me. At miles 6, I quit. My heart was racing and I couldn't find the strength to go any farther so I quit. I saw no benefit continuing given my physical exhaustion. Regards to my goals for the day I failed greatly.

This is part of a much bigger story. All of my great days and substantial failures make up my path to the starting line. I try to sit back and put this into perspective. Yesterday I couldn't run even 1/4 of a marathon!! Once I am cleared to run again I will be only 6 weeks away from this 26.2 mile run. However I know on December 5, somehow I will push my body and "finish the course."

Somehow I will shake off all of my doubts and tears and tell myself I can do something truly amazing. In 8 weeks I will look back on my run yesterday with a medal in hand and smile. I will be a marathon finisher one more time. Frankly I have to. I cannot allow myself to quit.

If the children at St Jude don't quit that neither can I.

57 days left until the starting line.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope recover fast and you are able to get out on the road soon. I'm enjoying reading your blog about St. Jude and your cause. Can't wait to hear how the race goes.