Total Raised For St. Jude (Since 2008): $5,110
Total Raised This Year: $2,010

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Noah Biorkman

A friend of mine brought my attention to a story of a 5 year old boy who is dying of cancer. The story is very sweet and very sad. His name is Noah Biorkman. It appears the doctor's have told his family he won't make it until Christmas. His family went out and bought Christmas presents and are celebrating Christmas this weekend. Can you imagine being this family and how difficult this must be for them? I know I can't.

Noah was asked what he wanted for Christmas and he said he wanted a bunch of Christmas cards. That is all the kid wants for what is likely his last Christmas. I am copying a link of a website below that gives a little more detail. Please make sure you click on the link for the video too.


You can mail the card to him at 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, MI 48178. I bought my card today. If you decide to send him a card, please shoot me an email and let me know. I am just curious how many people might do this.

Also thanks again for all of your support. We have raised over $1,500 for St. Jude. This is truly remarkable and makes more of a difference than probably any of us will know.

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