It is the great challenges in our lives and our subsequent responses that everyone remembers. It is the responses to our greatest adversities that will shape us. They can shape us for the good or for the worse. No one is inspired by the ordinary.
Physically there is no greater challenge I have ever attempted than a marathon. On Saturday I will cross the starting line for my second one. The challenge is compelling as the task is very great. While some 15,000 people will run in the half or full marathon on Saturday, over 100,000 people will line up to watch and cheer. There is something fascinating about someone who embraces a challenge and overcomes it. I do not write this to exhault myself but point out the parallels that truly are important.
On Saturday I will run both for myself but more importantly, I will run for the children of St. Jude. Can you imagine the challenges they face? For many it was the first time they were told they were really sick and would have to travel to Memphis for treatment. While most children are terrified of getting a shot, these children were introduced to chemotherapy. I remember a poem that was written on the wall of St. Jude last year that was titled "Cancer Will Not Defeat Me." A little kid had to write those words. While many kids were writing letters to Santa Claus, this kid called out cancer and proclaimed he would win! I am going back to St. Jude tomorrow with a camera. I am seeking out this poem.
These children have faced great challenges. Every one of them has no choice but to fight this terrible disease head on. I think of them and I think of the children I have already followed. I think of Joseph, Hoover and Josiah. I think of their parents and all of the parents who have fought this disease with their child and had to tell their child goodbye. I am inspired beyond words. These people are truly my inspiration. Their challenges have shaped my life and convict me to make something more of my life.
So Saturday I will run for something far more significant than myself. Through my friends and supporters we have raised over $1,800 and more than $3,000 over the last two years for St. Jude. So far the runners in the race have raised over $1,500,000 this year.
Thanks to you all for helping make this race so significant for me and for the children who continue to inspire me. In honor of all these children who refuse to quit and continue to fight, I will do everything I can on Saturday to honor them by finishing the 26.2 mile race... no matter how difficult the challenge may be.
1 comment:
Great post. Thanks for sharing it with us. The St. Jude marathon is special. It's more than a marathon -- it's a chance to help some of the most helpless among us. I'm grateful that you've taken this on again, and I'm envious that you'll be running tomorrow and not me also. I'll be looking forward to the post-race report. Remember, you've done this before and you can do it again. Good luck and have fun.
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