Total Raised For St. Jude (Since 2008): $5,110
Total Raised This Year: $2,010

Sunday, November 15, 2009

20 Miles

Dear 20 mile run,

It has been a year since we last met.

You are as annoying and ugly as I remember you.

It is no wonder you have no friends.

Frankly, I hate you.

After multiple injuries and setbacks, I wasn't confident that I would be physically able to meet you at all this week. However Friday morning I laced up my shoes and decided to meet you head on. I ignored my knee soreness and my hamstring tightness and decided if I was not going to run 20 miles, it would not be because I didn't try. I almost threw up a couple of times during the run. But 3 hours, 21 minutes, and 9 seconds later, I overcame you again. Not only did I overcome you but this time, although undertrained, I met your challenege without stopping.

Last year I had to stop at mile 18 during my training on a flat course. This time I took on you and your ugly, repgunant self with hills. During the marathon last year I had to stop at mile 14. This year I finished your challenge without relenting.

I'll see you again in three weeks for my second marathon.

I'll remember to wave as I pass by.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice work, Mike. 20 miles is a LONG way when you are alone. Looks like you can head into the taper with good confidence.